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Space Vacation Posts New Music Video Online - in Metal News - Metal Underground

“some music was meant to stay underground…”
posted Apr 22, 2022 at 7:13 AM by Diamond Oz.  (0 Comments)
San Francisco-founded NWOTHM (New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal) band Space Vacation has just released their holier than thou music video for “Reign In Hell,” the first single off their upcoming album “White Hot Reflection,” which will be released on April 29th. The song is about choosing your own destiny and using the origin of Lucifer as the catalyst for the listener’s own choice - to serve in heaven or to reign in hell.
In regard to the music video, Space Vacation drummer Eli Lucas says, “It’s not easy to make a video yourself when the goal is to fool people into thinking it was made by someone who knows what they’re doing. Luckily, we stumbled across the perfect filming location: an infinite black abyss, conveniently located deep underneath my neighborhood church. It also doesn’t hurt to have four of the most sexy, photogenic dudes in town, if not the world.”
Lead singer Scott Shapiro adds, “It’s hard to remain handsome on the decent to hell, but I think we pulled it off. This song is one of our favorites from White Hot Reflection and we hope that makes it out of the void and into every heavy metal loving fan’s home and eventually be that song stuck in their head that distracts them from whatever it is that they don’t want to be doing. Is it better to Reign in Hell? It’s certainly more fun!”

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